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This is a PHP class for PHP developers to quickly create secure password hashes. Use this to ensure that a compromised database does not reveal passwords.
The class will attempt to generate a 10000 round sha512 hash using crypt(). It will fallback to a 18000 round md5 hash if crypt is not available.

The download includes class_password.php with full comments, class_password-small.php without any comments or formatting and example files.
I moved from SVN to git and have added this class to github. You may pull the latest edition from:

* 03Nov2001 adds better examples and comments.


Getting a hash from the class is almost as simple as calling md5();
require_once 'class_password.php';
$pwd = new password();
$hash = $pwd->hash('StringToBeHashed'); //hash the password
At this point $hash will contain one of the following
//default sha512
$hash = $pwd->hash('StringToBeHashed'); //hash the password
//string '$6$rounds=10000$QkwwE8U6BhPNhTkw$WCTJ/.Bv6w7shcvcSEIKy652QOAl4CX1wScY31Z1KJEJImrpQbtnbPcyqR6XtiZ3jVTHEl15Zg1X94l0ofNLq1' (length=119)

$pwd->set_hash_type('sha256'); //force hash type
$hash = $pwd->hash('StringToBeHashed'); //hash the password
//string '$5$rounds=10000$ppMqHDNZJr/XuL28$NEESidNVTJ3BtmEUFc0IcaD6vQxys091tfH5WUgO2z0' (length=76)

//fallback md5
$pwd->set_hash_type('md5'); //force hash type
$hash = $pwd->hash('StringToBeHashed'); //hash the password
//string '$CL$6000$9c3f519be0dfa110a47ba79a11bd4550$6132c803417e061d7e3b48103402d812' (length=74)

Store $hash in your database and use it like this to revalidate a password.
require_once 'class_password.php';
$pwd = new password();
//fill $db_hash with a database query
$check = 'SomeStringToValidate';
if( $pwd->validate($db_hash, $check) )
    echo 'valid';

The class has the following methods
 * function responsible for hashing strings securely
 * @param string $string Password to be hashed
 * @param string $salt=null Optional salt, uses rand_string() if null
 * @return string/bool hashed string OR boolean false on failure.
function hash( &$string, $pass_the_salt=null, $use_crypt=true)

 * function to compare a string to a previously hashed string
 * @param string &$hash previously hashed string
 * @param string &$password string to validate
 * @return bool true if the password generates the same hash OR false if they don't match 
function validate( &$hash, &$password )

 * function to rehash a previously hashed string. 
 * @param string &$hash previously hashed string
 * @param string &$password string to validate
 * @return string/bool hashed password or bool false on failure
function re_hash( &$hash, &$password )

 * function to specify how many rounds the hash function specified by $type will use
 * @param string $type hash type to change sha512, sha256 or md5
 * @param int $rounds rounds to run
 * @return bool true/false true on success, false on error 
function set_hash_rounds( $type, $rounds )

 * function to change the hash type
 * @param string $type Possible values sha512, sha256 or md5
 * @return bool true/false true on change, false on error
function set_hash_type( $type )

 * create a random string, uses mt_rand. 
 * rand_string(20, array('A','Z','a','z',0,9), '`,~,!,@,#,%,^,&,*,(,),_,|,+,=,-');
 * rand_string(16, array('A','Z','a','z',0,9), '.,/')
 * @param integer $lenth length of random string
 * @param array $range specify range as array array('A','Z','a','z',0,9) == [A-Za-z0-9]
 * @param string $other comma separated list of characters !,@,#,$,%,^,&,*,(,)
 * @return string random string of requested length
function rand_string($length, $range=array('A','Z','a','z',0,9), $other='' )


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